The Roads Untraveled
As I sit and gaze at the sparks
Flickering from the fireplace
I go down the roads often unwalked
I walk this path against my will
But I cannot help myself anymore
My barricades have been shattered
And my castle of thoughts; besieged
My defences have been dismantled
Compelling me to walk this stale path
For every bend or corner I take
Lie forgotten memories now desolate
Memories which welcome the darkness
This treacherous path that I now thread
Have consumed the greatest of men
Still I tread along with my broken promises
As the road dinks a little downwards
I come upon my past mistakes and regrets
I see the broken pieces of the life I left behind
Shattered dreams and unfulfilled promises
All of them hound me on this road
My mistakes come chasing me down from behind
Lurking dangerously close to my heels
I've been running away from them all my life
All the dark thoughts in my head
I try to evade their grasp
But I have nowhere else to run
So I'll stand and face them head on
For I am done being a coward
So I'll walk this path with my head held high
Hoping to survive this hideous terrain
~ Emaikwu Godwin